With decades of experience with logging frameworks, they designed Logback to be fast and generic enough to work under different environments.
Logback ArchitectureĬeki Gülcü the founder of the Log4J along with Sébastien Pennec, another Log4J contributor, designed logback. Logging frameworks such as Logback are designed to meet the needs of logging in the enterprise.
These requirements are not possible with simple System.out statements. You’ll also have requirements to send logs to different destinations, such as console, file, database, SMTP server, or JMS queue destination. You will need generating logs with different levels of importance, such as ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG. Enterprise applications have logging requirements with varied degree of complexities. Using System.out to print messages to the console is simply not sufficient for enterprise applications. Through logging you get to see what the application code is actually doing during these activities at runtime. Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting are key activities in any enterprise application lifecycle, and logging is the core part of these activities.